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M&A Audit: When is it the right time to sell?

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M&A Audit: When is it the right time to sell?

951 951 people viewed this event.

Getting premium valuation at exit is a function of both company preparedness and market timing. In this webinar, our panel walks through a check-list of questions to ask yourself if your company is ready for M&A, including competitive dominance, operations and governance, sales pipeline, marketing & brand contribution, customer metrics, and legal & IP issues.

Moderator: Mark Addison,


  • Andrea Tiller, Kranz Consulting, Emerging Growth Practice Leader, Consulting CFO
  • John Majeski, Portola Valley Partners
  • Jim Reilly, Stonepine Advisors
  • Robert McIntosh, VP Corporate Development, Autodesk

Date And Time

2021-03-25 @ 12:00 PM to
01:00 PM


Online Event
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