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Strategic v. Financial Valuation: How do I optimize my M&A price?

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Strategic v. Financial Valuation: How do I optimize my M&A price?

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How do some money-losing companies sell for $$ Billions while others fetch just a small multiple over EBITDA? In this webinar, our panel will explain the vital difference between Financial valuation (EBITDA, future cash flows, ARR growth, etc.) vs. Strategic valuation (extra $$ value layered on top) — and offer examples for how you can create and optimize strategic valuation for your company. Be sure to watch the replay, or risk leaving money on the table!

  • Jim Cook, CFO – Orbital Insights
  • Mark Addison, Founder –
  • Steve Douty, EVP – Portola Valley Partners
  • Tony Richardson, Practice Lead – Meridian Capital LLC
  • Moderator: Andrea Tiller, Consulting CFO – Kranz

Date And Time

2021-05-27 @ 12:00 PM to
01:00 PM


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